ACTIVATE your God-given calling and BECOME who He created you to be.

Hi! I’m Tierney Shirrell.

I’m a Christ-follower, wife, mom, and multi-passionate entrepreneur.  I started out along the typical path of college and career, earning a master’s degree in accountancy and CPA certification, then leaving that career behind for full-time motherhood.  Although I became a Christian in highschool, I gradually turned away from my faith over the years chasing worldly success and placing my identity in relationships other than the one that truly matters - my relationship with Jesus. I found myself in a fight for my life after battling severe postpartum depression and a diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder. This path I’d been on left me feeling broken, lost, and not knowing who I really was because I’d forgotten Whose I am.

Through these mental health challenges, I slowly returned back to my faith and began to prioritize becoming the Christian woman, wife, mom, friend, mentor, and entrepreneur I knew God called me to be.  As I discovered solutions that worked for my life, it unleashed a desire to help women boldly step into their own unique callings that God placed on their hearts.

The Live BOLD Vision.

Along the journey, I’ve learned that personal growth and development is all really self-discovery of the gifts and talents God designed in you, and I followed the Lord’s vision to develop a framework that helps women overcome their own limitations - lies of the enemy - and become more of who God created them to be one bold step at a time.  I became the person who could talk boldly about the big audacious vision AND the deeply vulnerable parts that used to stay buried in shame, fear, and self-doubt.  And I created a space for other women to do the same. I founded Live BOLD Movement - the prayer-powered personal growth community mentoring women to intentionally live BOLD - (B)rave, (O)bedient, (L)oving, and (D)isciplined. This platform is built on that framework with the foundation of Faith (Matthew 7:24 - my birthday verse!) and the seven pillars of Family, Freedom, Finances, FARMaceuticals, Fitness, Food, and Fun!

I’m also a podcaster, best-selling author, host of events and retreats, a plant-based wellness advocate, and believer in whole-person wellbeing - body, soul, and spirit.  When I’m not building community and hosting events, I’m usually enjoying exploring Arizona with my husband and three kids. I love Jesus, spontaneous adventures, dance parties, cookie dough ice cream, and the Arizona sunshine!

Join the Family.

The biggest sign God has given to me along the way is that the same verse seems to pop up everywhere - in songs, sermons, conversations, podcasts, etc. That verse is found in the book of Romans. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28 NIV) I use “8:28” as a verb meaning God can 8:28 anything - He wastes nothing, no pain, no mistake, no suffering. If we let God direct our path, whatever we’ve walked through is something He can use to bless someone else’s life. This verse has been so significant in activating my calling that I got it tattooed on my left wrist! It serves as a daily reminder that God will use all the brokenness, working everything for good for a purpose to serve others.

There are so many reasons to be grateful for Tierney and Live BOLD Sisterhood. Tierney creates a safe and nurturing community for me to talk with, to walk with and to pray with. Tierney is a sister, teacher, mentor, Jesus loving cheerleader in one. When I had resistance, she offered assistance. When I had doubts, she offered encouragement. When I had so many uncertainties, she offered biblical wisdom. Today I am found living boldly in the will of my Heavenly Father surrounded by my sisters. I really love that we have each other to love and grow closer and closer to Him.
— Alex B., Founding Member
Live Bold is a Community I Can’t Live Without! Tierney has used her calling to bring together an incredible community of women who love the Lord. She has a way of challenging us to grow closer to the Lord and lean on each other for encouragement and growth. Since joining the Live Bold Community, I have gained confidence that I never had before. Tierney and all the amazing women I have met have prayed over me, encouraged me and have inspired me in ways that I can’t even explain in words.
— Dusty P., Founding Member

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